22 novembre, 2010

Ancient Roman Bathhouse Found in Jerusalem

Israeli archeologists say they have discovered an ancient Roman bathhouse in Jerusalem’s Old City.

Israel’s Antiquities Authority announced the discovery Monday. Archeologists uncovered the ruins during preparatory work for a constructiion project (( – building a new Jewish ritual bath, or mikveh, on the site)).

Ofer Sion, head of the excavation, said the discovery shows the ancient city of Aelia Capitolina, on the same site, was larger than previously thought. Romans built the city nearly 2,000 years ago after they destroyed the Jewish temple and expelled Jews from Jerusalem.

During the excavation archeologists found terracotta roof tiles stamped with the insignia of the 10th Legion, the Roman force that sacked Jerusalem and laid siege to the Jewish fortress at Masada several years later.

Some information in this story was provided by AP and AFP.

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