05 novembre, 2010

Canadian Couple Gives Away $11 Million Lottery Jackpot

Some people who suddenly strike it rich in a lottery buy cars, houses, boats and other luxuries.

But few do what Canadian couple Allen and Violet Large did with their winnings — give it away.

The elderly couple from Nova Scotia won an $11 million jackpot in July.

After keeping about two percent for emergency expenses, the Larges, who are in their 70s, say they spent the last three months giving away the rest.

Churches, animal welfare groups, fire departments, hospitals and the local Red Cross are among those in Nova Scotia who shared in the Larges’ good fortune.

Allen and Violet Large call themselves simple farm folk who never had any money and are happy living modestly.

They say they have all they need — each other.

Some information in this story was provided by AP.

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