16 mai, 2010

Political Punch

The ranking member of Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen Jeff Sessions, R-AL, said this morning in an exclusive interview on "This Week" that the confirmation hearings of Elena Kagan will be a “big deal.”

Sessions said they are particularly important because Kagan “has so little other record.”

Sessions explained he will be looking to understand how broad her reading of the Constitution is.

“I think we’d like to know, in a real honest sense, whether her philosophy of law is so broad in her interpretation of the Constitution that you are not faithful to the Constitution and laws,” Sessions told host Jake Tapper. “In other words, a judge under their oath says you serve under the Constitution, not above it. So we want to know whether she faithfully will follow it even if she doesn’t like it,” he said.

“I think we’ll be looking at her testimony because she has so little other record, it’s going to be a big deal. It’s so important how she testifies,” Sessions added.

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