22 mars, 2010

Snaptu : Nuclear power legislation melts down in Ky. House - BusinessWeek

Nuclear power legislation melts down in Ky. House


Legislation that would lift Kentucky's ban on construction of nuclear plants has...


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Snaptu : Having Lost Health Care Battle, GOP Takes On Reality [Tilting At Commie Windmills]

Once the GOP is done "firing" Speaker Nancy Pelosi (in 23 hours), Michele Bachmann will repeal health care reform with this one-page bill. Anything to...


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Snaptu : Bethenny's Wedding Deets!

The Real Housewives of New York City's Bethenny Frankel is getting ready to be a very pregnant bride! She took to her Twitter to share her excitement....


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Snaptu : Remaniement : Xavier Darcos évincé, Woerth le remplace

Après une journée de consultations, Nicolas Sarkozy a procédé lundi soir à un remaniement ministériel limité mais très politique. Eric Woerth devient...


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Snaptu : Pakistan police: Plot foiled on hotels, diplomats (AP)

AP - Pakistani officials say two highly experienced Taliban militants have been arrested while planning to attack top hotels and kidnap diplomats in...


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Snaptu : Lady Gaga Defends 'Telephone'

Lady Gaga has defended the raunchy video for her new track Telephone, insisting the film is "groundbreaking."


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Snaptu : L'escroquerie au multiplicateur d'euros lui coûte 100.000 euros

Un retraité de Montauban a déboursé cette somme pour une mallette qui contenait un "produit magique" capable de transformer du papier noir en billets...


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Snaptu : La blague belge qui ne fait pas rire le gouvernement

La blague récente d'un humoriste belge, François Pirette, a publiquement mis en évidence la ségrégation délibérée que certaines municipalités...


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Snaptu : Paca : Michel Vauzelle conserve facilement la région

Au second tour, Jean-Marie Le Pen a progressé, réduisant encore le score de Thierry Mariani.


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Snaptu : Surgeon denies charges in court

A US surgeon pleads not guilty to manslaughter at the start of his trial before a court in the Australian city of Brisbane.


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Snaptu : "Alice" stays atop box offices for third week (Reuters)

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